Hurling, or Camogie (the female version of the sport) can be described as a blend of lacrosse and field hockey. It is played on a field longer and wider than a football field with goals and uprights similar to rugby.
The game is played with a stick, shaped with a curved, flat end for striking and a small leather ball called a sliotar (similar size to a baseball).
players may advance/move the ball by striking it on the ground, striking it in the air or by striking it with their hand. players may also "solo" the ball by balancing it on the stick.
Players may not pick up the ball with their hands. The ball must be lifted off the ground with the stick. a player may score by playing the ball into the goal for three points or playing the ball over the goal for one point.
the game does allow “light” contact - Players can shoulder check their opponent but hits from the front or behind are not allowed. The game is played in North America by teams of 13. Positions include back, mid-field and forward positions. There are no offsides as in soccer.